Become A Member!

The truth is, you're a member the moment you start your first class.

You don’t need to pay to belong. Access to these mind, body, and nervous system healing tools should never be denied to anyone, regardless of their size, shape, income, ability, or availability. Show up as often as possible, pay when you can. Give abundantly when it feels right, but never let money be a barrier to your healing.

Want to chat with your community on Discord? Maybe you want to catch a replay on YouTube or say “Hi” on social media:

Then come help me change the WORLD!

Become a foundational part of bringing
inclusive and accessible
yoga and somatics to ALL BODIES

and check out the perks!

Donation Tiers

It is only through the generosity of our students and community that all our live classes, events, and replays remain free for all – always. 
  Join our mission – cultivate a little healing in the world – and know your donation is changing lives everywhere.

Grounding Supporter

This donation level gets you:
$ 9
  • Unlimited Access to Online Library
    (Launching September 2024!)
  • Supporter Tags on YouTube & Discord
  • The magic of knowing you're
    making a difference

Nervous System Nurturer

This donation level gets you:
$ 19
  • All the perks of a Groundng Supporter
  • A personal email from Danaé to welcome you
    and establish a connection
  • Public Thanks during live
    Youtube & TikTok Class

Accessible Yoga Advocate

This donation level gets you:
$ 29
  • All the perks of a Nervous System Nurturer
  • A Handwritten letter via SNAIL mail
    from Danaé
  • A small thank you crystal gift

Community Builder

This donation level gets you:
$ 39
  • All the perks of an Accessible Yoga Advocate
  • A medium thank you crystal gift
  • Handmade soy candle (by Danaé)
    choose your essential oil scent!

Inclusive Healing Champion

This donation level gets you:
$ 99
  • All the perks of a Community Builder
  • A monthly 15 minute PERSONALIZED Prerecorded yoga class sent only to you each month!
  • More Surprise perks & Early Access!
Best Value

World Change Partner

This donation level gets you:
$ 499
  • All the oerks of an Inclusive Heaing Champion
  • A mention on the ABY Home Page!
  • Your own profile and short bio on as a World Change Partner on our website!
Make An Impact

- OR -

Use the ease of PayPal and

Pick Your Own Amount To Donate One-Time OR Monthly!